Item Categories

Entry Hall

Items in this category allow the users who purchase them to introduce new characters to the world of the Hollow.

Avatar Overrides

Purchasing one of these items allows your character to utilize a custom avatar model, granting them various visual and physical features that are not permitted on base avatars.

To use one of these items, you will typically need to attach it as an Add-On to a MYO submission or design update, as described in Character Creation. To submit a design update for an existing character, select "Update Design" from the sidebar on the character's page.

Professions & Memberships

Characters can own 2 items in this category!

These items represent a character's profession or membership in various organizations. Please attach these items to your characters via the inventory to indicate your character's status. Some prompts or abilities may only be available to characters with a certain profession or membership.

Due to the City Sidere's guild system, characters can typically hold only one profession or membership at a time. However, they may optionally hold both a legitimate profession or membership acquired through the Guild Halls and an illegal membership acquired through Ravenbarrow. Note that holding both means that your character is living a risky doube life and should be depicted as such in-character.

Adventure Keys

These keys, purchased at Inner Escape, allow you to complete level 1+ adventure prompts, which are found in the IE Adevntures prompt category. (Level 0 prompts are free and do not require a key.)

If multiple players collaborate on an adventure, each collaborator must have an Adventure Key of the appropriate level.

To use one of your keys, please attach it to the "Add-Ons" area of your prompt submission. Adventure Keys are consumed when you submit your prompt.

Adventuring Gear

Characters can own items in this category!

These items represent upgrades to your character's ability to enjoy adventures at Inner Escape. Many of them are purchased with adventurers' gold, which must be earned via completing IE Adventure prompts.

With some exceptions, most of these items are character-specific and should be attached to the character who intends to use them. Check the items' descriptions for more details.

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