
adventurers' gold (g)

Displays as: 0 g
Held by: Users

This currency represents a token system created by Inner Escape to reward its customers for successfully completing the adventures it creates.

Characters may earn adventurers' gold by completing IE adventure prompts, and may spend it at Inner Escape to upgrade their adventuring capabilities.

Architects' Guild Rank

Displays as: 0 Architects' Guild Rank
Held by: Characters

This value represents a character's rank in the Architects' Guild, which produces and edits the virtual environments of the Hollow. A character must have an Architects' Guild Membership, purchased from the Guild Halls, to earn Architects' Guild rank.

Culinary Guild rank

Displays as: 0 Culinary Guild rank
Held by: Characters

This value represents a character's rank in the Culinary Guild, which designs the sensory experiences of food for individuals in the Hollow. A character must have a Culinary Guild Membership, purchased from the Guild Halls, to earn Culinary Guild rank.

Lawkeeper rank

Displays as: 0 Lawkeeper rank
Held by: Characters

This value represents a character's rank in the Lawkeepers, the Hollow's primary law enforcement organization. A character must have a Lawkeeper Badge, purchased from the Guild Halls, to earn Lawkeeper rank.

lucre (l)

Displays as: 0 lucre
Held by: Users

Lucre is the primary currency of the Hollow. For lore information about lucre, please visit its WorldAnvil page.

Lukra University rank

Displays as: 0 Lukra University rank
Held by: Characters

This rank represents a character's status and experience as a member of Lukra University, either as a student or as staff/faculty. A character must equip either Lukra Univeristy Enrollment or Lukra Univeristy Staff ID to earn university rank.

Unlike most professional ranks, university rank is not cleared if a character leaves the university; if a student leaves and returns as faculty/staff, they retain their original university rank.

Wrights' Guild rank

Displays as: 0 Wrights' Guild rank
Held by: Characters

This value represents a character's rank in the Wrights' Guild, which produces and edits in-world objects for avatars to use in the Hollow. (This does not translate to OOC items used in the Hollow ARPG; it is simply an in-lore profession.) A character must have a Wrights' Guild Membership, purchased from the Guild Halls, to earn Wrights' Guild rank.

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