Inner Escape

Inner Escape

Run by Mardak, Inner Escape offers residents of the Hollow the chance to experience adventures beyond (or perhaps drawn from) their wildest dreams.

Here, you can purchase Adventure Keys and Adventuring Gear, which you can then use to complete IE Adventure prompts for rewards.

Adventure Keys are required for level 1+ adventures. (Level 0 adventures are free.) If multiple players collaborate on an adventure, each collaborator must have an Adventure Key of the appropriate level.

Additionally, adventures marked "Supervised" require each participant to contribute a Supervisor Ticket at the beginning of the adventure, as these adventures can only be completed through modded RP threads. Supervisor Tickets may have limited stock or may change in price, depending on the availability of mods for these threads.

Adventure Keys and Supervisor Tickets are consumed on use.

Adventuring Gear can be used to enhance your adventuring experience. With some exceptions, most Adventure Gear is attached to your character and is not consumed on use.

Many items in this shop may be bought with adventurers' gold rather than lucre. Adventurers' gold is earned by completing IE Adventure prompts.

Adventure Keys
Level 1 Key
Level 1 Key
Cost: 30 lucre
Level 1 Key
Level 1 Key
Cost: 35 g
Adventuring Gear
Supervisor Ticket
Supervisor Ticket
Cost: 0 g
Stock: 2
Max 1 per user