Character Creation

Created: 24 April 2023, 15:59:03 EDT
Last updated: 30 April 2023, 11:22:15 EDT

Oh, a new face? Let's get you started here in the Hollow.

First, you'll need a new avatar from the Skincrafters' Guild. Once you've purchased your new avatar, come back to this guide.

Activating your MYO slot

You'll need to activate your new avatar before you can work on your character. Go to your Inventory (Home > Inventory) and click on the item. In the pop-up window, you'll want to click the check next to the item first, then click on "Use Slot" and "Open."

To find the MYO slot you were just granted, you'll go to Home > My MYO Slots and select the appropriate slot.

There are a lot of options on this page's sidebar, but only two are really relevant right now: Character > Profile at the top and Settings > Submit MYO Design at the bottom. The first setting will let you create a profile where you can describe your character, while the second will allow you to submit your character for approval so that they can become an official resident of the Hollow and appear in submissions.

Character Profiles

Before submission, please give your character a profile that includes the following information:

  1. Name, age, and pronouns
  2. A brief description of your character's history, giving an idea of who they are both Outside and within the Hollow.
Who Am I?

You must abide by the following guidelines when creating new characters:

  • Be sure to keep in mind whether your character is a Wire (still alive outside the Hollow) or an Echo (exists only within the Hollow). You can find this information in the title and description of your MYO slot. If you're creating your first character, they should be a Wire.
  • Please be sure to check out the lore on WorldAnvil so that you understand the world we're working in. While we want to offer you a lot of creative freedom, if your character outright contradicts existing lore, you may be asked to revise your submission.
  • The Outside is full of various creatures, both humanoid and non-humanoid, so feel free to get creative with your character's Outside identity. Dragons, merfolk, centaurs, harpies, unicorns, chimeras ... If you're uncertain if a creature can be used, feel free to ask staff.
  • However, your character's avatar within the Hollow must follow the rules below (unless you have purchased avatar overrides ahead of time):
    • Avatars must be bipedal with only 2 arms
    • Avatars must not have large or functional wings or prehensile tails -- small, vestigial wings are fine, as are both short and long tails that cannot grip things
    • Your avatar's height must fall between 4' and 7'
  • While we do not use a specific list of creatures that exist in the Outside, you may not use species created by others, whether they are closed or open, unless the species terms of service specifically outlines that they may be used in other ARPG's.

Creating your MYO Design Request

On the Submit MYO Design page, you'll need to click "Create Request" to start drafting your design submission.

You do not have to complete your design submission in one go -- you can save elements of your submission and come back to it.  Just be sure to hit "Save" in each tab that you work in.

If you leave this page and need to come back to it, you can reach it by going to Activity > Design Approvals and clicking on "Details" next to the appropriate MYO.

The MYO DEsign Submission Page

Now that you're on your request page, the first tab you'll see is the Status tab. This is where you can submit your design to be approved by staff.

The next tab is the Comments tab. Please put any further information you think staff might need in processing your character here.

Masterlist Images

The third tab is where you upload your character's Masterlist Image. A few important notes about masterlist images:

  • While masterlist images don't have to be formal refs, they should be in color, full body, and detailed enough to give a good idea of your character's design.
  • You do not need to draw your own masterlist image, but you must have permission to use the art involved.
    • You may use a base to create your masterlist image, as long as you have permission to use the base (i.e., it is either free to use or you have purchased the rights to it). If you use a base for your masterlist image, please be sure to credit both yourself and the base artist in the Artist(s) section at the bottom of this tab and link to the base in the Comments tab.
    • Another artist may draw your masterlist image for you, whether it's a commission, art trade, or request. You must credit this artist in the Artist(s) setion at the bottom of this tab.
    • The Hollow does not permit you to use another person's art without permission under any circumstances. You may not submit masterlist images that you do not have permission to use; doing so will result in expulsion from the group.
    • You may not use Picrew or other base-makers as masterlist images unless you obtain permission to do so from staff before submitting your masterlist image.
  • If someone else designed your character, you must credit them in the Designer(s) section, whether or not they created the specific piece used for the masterlist.
Add-Ons and Traits

The last two tabs on the design submission page are Add-Ons and Traits.

If you are using any items that affect your character's appearance or abilities (e.g. avatar overrides), you must select those items in the Add-Ons tab, then add the corresponding traits under Traits.

Note: Do not add professions or organization memberships in the Add-Ons tab. If you've bought a profession or membership for your character, attach it to them from your inventory once they're approved.


Once you've filled out every tab, return to the Status tab to submit your design. Then all you have to do is wait for staff to take a look! If there are any issues with your design, we'll contact you, usually via Discord.