Frequently Asked Questions

Created: 24 April 2023, 16:59:06 EDT
Last updated: 24 July 2023, 11:47:08 EDT
What is an ARPG?

A full explanation of how ARPG's work, in general and in the specific case of the Hollow, is coming soon.


How do I submit collaborations to fulfill prompts?

If more than one person contributes to a prompt submission (including in the case of roleplays used to fulfill prompts), you should submit it to the prompts gallery only once, but each player should complete their own prompt submission form, found under Submit > Submit Prompt or by clicking "Submit" on the prompt page.

When submitting to the gallery, indicate all collaborators and all characters depicted in the form. This will allow all collaborators to be awarded the normal lucre amount for the submission. Only one player should submit the collaboration to the prompt gallery.

However, to earn prompt-specific rewards for the collaboration, each player should submit the prompt submission form and link to the gallery submission in the URL field. Additionally, each player should add only their own character(s) to the prompt submission form, to ensure that no characters are listed twice.