Getting Started

Created: 24 April 2023, 16:31:05 EDT
Last updated: 23 July 2023, 11:28:00 EDT

Hello and welcome to the Hollow! This guide will help you join our world.

First, let's get you set up: be sure to make an account here on the site, verify your email, and link it to your DeviantArt or Toyhouse account. Also, you'll want to join the Discord server to communicate with staff and other members.

Once you've done that, we'll get you started with your first character. You don't need to have a character to start submitting pieces to the Hollow -- if you want to earn some lucre first, you can always draw or write about others' characters (with their permission) or NPC's. But creating your first character is free, so why not get started?

Your first stop is to head over to the Skincrafters' Guild and purchase the Your First Avatar item. Then go to your Inventory (Home > Inventory) and click on the item. In the pop-up window, you'll want to click the check next to the item first, then click on "Use Slot" and "Open."

To find the MYO slot you were just granted, you'll go to Home > My MYO Slots. You should see "Your First Avatar" here; click on it.

From here, you'll want to head over to the Character Creation guide, which will walk you through creating your character.

OK, my character has been approved. Now what?

Prompts are always a great way to engage with the world of the Hollow and earn some lucre. You can also submit to our galleries -- art, writing, or RP of your character that is not based on a prompt -- whenever you like. As you earn currencies, be sure to check out our shops for items and upgrades to apply to your characters, not to mention additional MYO tickets if you'd like to create more characters.