Comments on Changelog in Official Threads

Bees Avatar
Bees Staff Member
Featured by Owner

This topic tracks the development of the Hollow ARPG, including changes too minor to make their way into a news post or Discord announcement.

2023-07-22 18:38:17 (Edited 2023-07-22 18:56:38)

Bees Avatar
Bees Staff Member

# 7/31/2023

## New lore
+ Based on a conversation on Discord, I've added a lore page on Hollowires, the means by which Wires connect to the Hollow
+ The new page Avatar now brings together information about the bodies that individuals use within the Hollow, and particularly what kind of damage they can sustain

2023-07-31 18:07:06

Bees Avatar
Bees Staff Member

# 7/25/2023

## Item graphics
+ Added an image to the item "Functional Wings"

2023-07-25 18:27:34

Bees Avatar
Bees Staff Member

# 7/24/2023

## Lore additions
+ New location: Mount Idros
+ Edited Tablets to include the possibility of real-time communications

## New & edited prompts
+ Level 0: Mountain Climbing -- this prompt is the first IE Adventure prompt and may be used to get started with the Inner Escape LARPing system
+ Also, updated the Study Hall prompt to be a little more balanced between writing and visual art, and to make the rewards more appropriate to the level of effort required

## New FAQ info
+ I realized that submitting collaborations (including RP's) to prompts was a little more complicated than I thought. I didn't want to clutter the already-extensive scoring guide with guidelines on how to do it, so I added this info to the FAQ instead, with some links in the scoring guide pointing users to where they can find this information.
+ I also edited the existing prompts to make it clearer how to submit collaborations, with links to the FAQ explanation

## Huge price change for new characters
+ New Wire characters now cost 75 lucre instead of 1,200
+ New Echo characters now cost 150 lucre instead of 2,500
+ When initially designing these prices, I wanted to make new characters almost impossible to obtain because I was afraid having too many characters active would make the ARPG hard to run. However, the current situation is the opposite -- we desperately need more characters in the game -- so I made them much more attainable.
+ These prices will probably be raised (though not back to the original unobtainable level) in September as I get busier with school and can't spend as much time approving characters and submissions.

2023-07-24 11:57:26 (Edited 2023-07-24 13:01:23)

Bees Avatar
Bees Staff Member

# 7/23/2023

## Lore additions
+ I wrote some lore articles, focusing on the nature of technology and magic in the Hollow
- Tablet: an ubiquitous technology in the Hollow, tablets are used to transfer information and as a user interface for the Hollow's environment
- Item registration: how do normal objects work in a digital world like the Hollow? This article explains how tablets may be used to summon or dismiss your character's possessions.

2023-07-23 17:29:54

Bees Avatar
Bees Staff Member

# 7/22/2023

## Changelog implemented
+ I could make the changelog a static page but I figure a forum thread is better for the purpose of updating and viewing history.
+ Created the "Official Threads" forum to house the changelog and anything else that becomes necessary. (Event signups? Contact staff? Whatever seems useful in the future.)

## LARPing system up
+ One of the systems I've wanted to build from the very beginning is a "LARPing" system where characters can go on adventures in the Hollow. Since it's a virtual world, there aren't actually things like dangerous wildlife/terrain/etc. for them to explore, but artificial experiences could be created very easily.
+ Spent today designing and implementing this system, including the shop, currency, and prompt category through which it'll function, plus two item categories (Adventure Keys and Adventuring Gear) and a few of the most important items.
+ Right now only level 1 Adventure Keys are available, since I haven't created prompts for higher levels. (I actually haven't even created prompts for adventures at levels 0 and 1 yet, but I'm working on it.)
+ There's a reference to "Mardak" in the shop description -- this will be the NPC who canonically runs Inner Escape.
+ The prompt category description references an item called a "Supervisor's License," which will allow players to design and run their own "Supervised" adventures. (Important distinction: players can complete any adventure via roleplay, but "Supervised" adventures are completed via RP with staff (me), and include specific prompts, challenges, and rewards.) Currently the Supervisor's License exists, but it's not in the Inner Escape shop yet because I am definitely not ready to implement it.

2023-07-22 18:55:04 (Edited 2023-07-22 18:56:10)