
Immobilization (Rare)

Characters with this trait have the ability to immobilize others' avatars. This is typically only granted to Lawkeepers once they have finished their training. It is possible to grant this ability to a non-Lawkeeper by corrupting the Hollow's programming, but it is highly risky and forbidden.

This character must be able to see the avatar they are immobilizing, but need not be able to touch them.

Immobilized avatars cannot move or speak. If they are Wires, they may exit the Hollow, but their avatar will remain immobilized, appearing unconscious. Echoes cannot do so; they remain conscious when immobilized and have no way to escape.

It is possible to hack the Hollow to free an immobilized individual, but it is risky, as any misstep in doing so can damage the avatar's ability to perceive and interact with the Hollow.

Note: This ability should not be applied during character creation, even if your character will be a Lawkeeper. It must be unlocked through the appropriate prompt completions.

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